Adjuntamos las principales novedades sobre el COVID-19:
- Medidas para la reducción del contagio por el coronavirus SARS-CoV-2
- Declaración de COVID-19 de IATF
- Statement from the International Organisation of Aquatic Physical Therapists (IOAPT) about COVID-19 and the practice of Aquatic Physiotherapy
- Estrategias para la reapertura de actividad post COVID-19
- How will COVID-19 impact on balneology?
- Balneotherapy in the era of COVID-19: should it be recommended or not?
- Balneotherapy and human immune function in the era of COVID-19
Health resort medicine can be a suitable setting to recover disabilities
in patients tested negative for COVID-19 discharged from hospital? A
challenge for the future - Prevention et gestion de la crise sanitaire COVID-19-Referentiel Sanitaire
- CTN 186 - ESTABLECIMIENTOS Y SERVICIOS TURÍSTICOS DE SALUD (descarga de documento previo pago)